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Q: What number makes 1000 if you take 15 percent away from it?
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What is 1000 take away 15 percent?


Write the numbers that are 1000 more and 1000 less in the number 503000019?

If you take away 1000 from 503000019 you get 502999019.If you add 1000 to 503000019 you get 503001019.

How do you subtract 6 percent from 1000 to get the whole number?

Percent means "out of 100", so subtracting 6 "out of one hundred" from 1000 means that we take away 6 units for every hundred units that exist. 1000=10x100 This means that there are 10 sets of 100 units in one thousand units. That means we need to take away 10 sets of 6 units. 10x6=60 6 units for each of 10 sets of 100 units yields 60 units. 1000-60=940 60 units less than 1000 units is 940.

What does percent of change mean in math?

percentage of the whole number that you are taking away

What is the square number closest to 1000?

Thirty-one is the closest square to 1000.Actually unless the Q was "What's the square number closest but less than 1000? then you would be right if only half right as your awnswer should have been 961.But it's not that the Q has been written the answer is 1024.312 = 961 (39 away from 1000)322= 1024 (24 away from 1000)

How do you convert a whole number to a percent?

How do you get the % if the total amount is = 482,456.95/ What is the % if 32,115.94 is taken away. The percentage taken away would be WHAT?

When a number is decreased by 20 percent of itself the result is 48 what is the number?

When 20% of 60 is taken away from it, you get 48.

What number is between 0.1 and 0.1000?

There is no number in between. There are no numbers between .1 and .1000 because if you take the zeros away it's the same number.

Does it cost money to call jaden smiths number?

if you live at least 1000 miles away, then yes.

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Why is a negative number minus a positive number always negative?

Because if the number is already negative and you take away more it will be even farther away from being positive. I hope that makes sense!

How do you solve 8.4 divided by 1000?

you take the little number take the dot away and magic and now you have easy question.