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Q: What number should you divide by 4 then multiply by 12 that will give a quotient of 6?
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How can you use multiplication to check if a quotient is correct?

If you multiply the divisor by the quotient you should get the original number. For example, if I want to check 10/2 =5. I multiply the divisor 2 by the quotient 5 and check to see if it gives me back my original number, 10. 2*5 =10 so 5 was the correct quotient. Alternatively if you divide the original number by the quotient you should get the divisor. In the above example, that would be 10/5=2.

How do you check devision?

Multiply the quotient (answer) by the divisor (the number outside the box) and your answer should be the dividend (the number inside the box).

How do you do quotient with fractions?

if you can divide whole numbers, turn the fraction into a whole number by finding its equivalent and replacing the fraction with that equivalent. Then divide the new number which should be whole and you have your answer.

What is useful in checking a quotient for long division?

Multiply the answer (quotient) by the divisor. You should get the dividend.

How do you check the quotient from a divisor problem?

you use multiply the divisor times the quotient & it should equal the dividend.

To multiply or divide a number by 10000 how many places should you move the decimal?


How do you divide a number by by a two digit number?

To divide a single digit number by a double digit number,you first have to understand its obviously isn't easy. The following should help: *Put a zero on the area of the quotient and add a decimal point next to it. * After doing this,divide as if both numbers were two digit numbers and proceed You should get the answer.

Do you multiply or divide when a problem is asking you what is 0.94 of 10?

Well the best answer is you should multiply not divide

What are the properties in solving equations and inequations?

You can add, subtract, multiply, or divide both sides of the equation or inequality by the same number. Don't multiply or divide by zero. In the case of an inequality, if you multiply or divide by a negative number, the sign of the inequality must be reversed. E.g., if you multiply both sides by -2, a "less-than" sign should be replaced by a "greater-than" sign.

What is the easiest way to do division?

The easiest way, is to divide. There is no easier way from long division. First you have to divide, then you have to multiply, then subtract, then restart all over. Your dividend should be inside the box. Your divider should be outside. The quotient goes above the box as your answer. Your work goes below the box.

How use multiplication to check the answer to a division problem?

Use the multiplication equation to check your answer

To change 8.4 kg to g, should you multiply or divide?

A+LS Multiply