Twelve over twelve as a mixed number can't appear as a mixed number like one and three fourths, so twelve over twelve equals a whole, or AKA, 1. There's your answer.
22 multiplied by 12 equals 264. This is calculated by multiplying the two numbers together: 22 x 12 = 264. Multiplication is a basic arithmetic operation that involves adding a number to itself a certain number of times, in this case adding 22 twelve times.
Twelve months in one year multiplied by 20 equals 240 months.
5. It's the number of letters.
gross. In mathematics, a dozen is equal to 12, so one dozen is 12. Similarly, a gross is equal to 144, so one gross is 144. Therefore, the analogy "One is to dozen as dozen is to gross" means that the relationship between the numbers is based on a factor of 12.
12 multiplied by eight is 96
technically it's already solved, you just have to graph it i guess.
12 multiplied by 77 is 924