

What numbers always have 2 as one of their factors?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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even numbers

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Q: What numbers always have 2 as one of their factors?
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Will a prime number always have an odd numbers of factors?

All prime numbers have only 2 factors which are themselves and one. Al prime numbers are odd numbers except for 2 which is the only even prime number.

If multiplying 2 prime numbers will the product always be prime?

If you multiply 2 prime numbers. the result will never be prime. A prime number is one that has no factors except itself and one. The number specified in the question has as factors the 2 prime numbers cited.

Which Two factors will always go into Even numbers?

1 and 2 are factors of all even numbers.

Do numbers always have more than two factors?

No, an odd number can have any number of factors. There is no limit but you do know that the number 2 is not one of those factors.

What numbers always have 2 and 5 as factors?

Multiples of 10.

What numbers below 20 have 2 factors?

A number will always have 1 and itself as factors. And thus the only numbers with 2 factors will be prime numbers. The only prime numbers below 20 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17 and 19, and thus these are the only numbers below 20 that have 2 factors.

What are numbers that have 2 factors?

Numbers that have only 2 factors are prime numbers

What is the term for whole numbers greater than one with 2 factors?

prime numbers

Can you explain why all even numbers have 2 as one of their factors?

That is how even numbers are defined!

What are three factors that has the numbers 2 4 and 8?

Factors don't have numbers. Numbers have factors. Numbers that have the factors 2, 4 and 8 are 8 and all of its multiples.

What are prime and composite numbers and can you tell me in a easy way to understand?

Prime numbers have only 2 factors which are themselves and one whereas composite numbers have more than 2 factors

Are there facts about integers?

Yes and integers are whole numbers that can belong to one of the following classes:- Prime numbers which have only 2 factors Composite numbers which have more than 2 factors