Any number evenly divisible by an even number is also even. A number evenly divisible by an odd number (such as 5) could be either even or odd.
These whole numbers can be divided into 20 evenly: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20.
Numbers ending in the digits 5 or 0 can be evenly divided by 5. These numbers include 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 (etc.).
Yes, all numbers that are divisible by 5 are also divisible by 10. This is because 10 is a multiple of 5, meaning it can be divided evenly by 5. Therefore, any number that can be evenly divided by 5 can also be evenly divided by 10.
10 can be divided evenly into 2 and 5, which are the factors of 10.
1 5 11 55.
Prime numbers are those numbers that can only be divided evenly by 1 and themselves. For example 7 cannot be divided evenly by 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. It is prime. On the other hand 9, can be divided evenly by 3. Therefore it is not prime.
Both 5 and 7 are prime numbers, so the only number that could go into both evenly would be 1.
No. Those two numbers are odd numbers. Even numbers can be divided in half evenly.
The numbers 20 and 40 are both multiples of 10, as they can be divided evenly by 10. They are also both even numbers, ending in 0. Additionally, both numbers are divisible by 5, as they end in 0.
No. Numbers that cannot be evenly divided into whole numbers are odd numbers. For example, 3 and 5 cannot be evenly divided- they are odd. 6 can be divided evenly into two threes- it is an even number.