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Q: What on earth does not have to do with agriculture?
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Related questions

What percent of earth's surface is used for agriculture?

We use about 38 percent of Earth's land surface for agriculture.

Who was the greek goddess of the earth and agriculture?

Demeter is the goddess of agriculture, but Gaia is the god/titan of the earth.

What percentage of the land on earth can be used for agriculture?


How is the distribution of industry on the planet dramatically different to that of agriculture?

Agriculture occupies 1/4 (25%) of Earth's land area, however less than 1% of Earth's land is devoted to industry.

Who is the roman god af agriculture?

Saturn was the Roman god of Agriculture and the Harvest, while Ceres was goddess of nature and the fertility of the earth.

Why did humans dominate the earth?

Humans became dominant on Earth due to several factors such as their superior cognitive abilities, tool-making skills, social organization, and adaptability to various environments. These qualities enabled humans to outcompete other species and develop complex societies that allowed for further technological advancement and expansion. Additionally, humans' capacity for innovation and cooperation has played a significant role in their domination of the planet.

What did the goddess Demeter bring forth the Earth?

Demeter is a goddess of agriculture, grain, and bread. That which grows on earth and is eatable was her domain.

How would a slower rotation and orbit around the sun affect seasons and agriculture on Earth?

When there is slow rotation and orbit around the sun , day and night in earth is affected not only that but due to slow rotation seasons in earth also changes slowly .As there is sloe season change in directly affects on agriculture on earth.

How did agriculture create diamonds?

Agriculture does not create diamonds. Diamonds are formed deep within the earth's mantle, and are erupted to the surface by volcanic pipes. Agriculture may have revealed the top of a volcanic pipe when diamonds were discovered there.

Give the limitations of scientific methods in earth science?

Problems Using Scientific Methods In Agriculture

What powers does goddess Demeter have?

She can control plants cause she is the goddess of agriculture,the harvest and nature(or earth)

Plantation agriculture was wasteful largely because?

Its excessive cultivation of cotton despoiled the good earth.