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Q: What part of the equation represents the term and?
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What part of the equation represents yields?

That is the right part.Left part shoes the reactants

What is one part of an equation?

Each part of an equation or an expression is called a term.

What part of the general slope-intercept equation represents the y-intercept?

y=mx+b is the general slope intercept equation and b represents the y intercept.

How are linear inequalities different from linear equations?

A linear equation represents a line. A linear inequality represents part of the space on one side (or the other) of the line defined by the corresponding equation.

What is the meaning of term in algebra?

A term is a single part of an expression or of an equation in algebra.

What part of the general slope intercept equation represents the slope?

The general form of the slope-intercept equation is y = mx + b. In that equation, the slope is m and the y intercept is b.

Which part of the slope-intercept equation represents the y-intercept?

In the straight line equation of y = 3x+5 the slope is 3 and the y intercept is 5

How to identify a term in algebra 2?

A term in algebra is a single part of an expression or of an equation separated by mathematical signs.

When is a linear equation an identity?

When the equation represents a horizontal line.

What part of the general slope-intercept equation represents the slope?

The slope-intercept form of an equation is: y = mx + b In this case, "m" is the slope, and "b" is the y-intercept.

Is this a nonlinear equation y25?

No, it is not even an equation - just a single term!No, it is not even an equation - just a single term!No, it is not even an equation - just a single term!No, it is not even an equation - just a single term!

Which term is used for the chemical equation that lists only those ions that take part in a double repacement reaction?

This is a net ionic equation.