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Q: What part of the equation represents the term and?
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What part of the equation represents yields?

The arrow in a chemical equation represents yields or produces.

What is one part of an equation?

Each part of an equation or an expression is called a term.

What part of the general slope-intercept equation represents the y-intercept?

y=mx+b is the general slope intercept equation and b represents the y intercept.

How are linear inequalities different from linear equations?

A linear equation represents a line. A linear inequality represents part of the space on one side (or the other) of the line defined by the corresponding equation.

What is the meaning of term in algebra?

A term is a single part of an expression or of an equation in algebra.

What part of the general slope intercept equation represents the slope?

The general form of the slope-intercept equation is y = mx + b. In that equation, the slope is m and the y intercept is b.

Which part of the slope-intercept equation represents the y-intercept?

In the straight line equation of y = 3x+5 the slope is 3 and the y intercept is 5

Write the equation thats shows the equivalency of mass and energy?

The equation that shows the equivalency of mass and energy is E=mc^2, where E represents energy, m represents mass, and c represents the speed of light. This equation was proposed by Albert Einstein as part of his theory of relativity, showing that mass can be converted into energy and vice versa.

In the acceleration equation a vf - vi t vi represents?

In the acceleration equation, the term vi represents the initial velocity, which is the velocity of an object at the beginning of the time period being considered. This term is subtracted from the final velocity (vf) to determine the change in velocity over time (t), which is then used to calculate the acceleration of the object.

How to identify a term in algebra 2?

A term in algebra is a single part of an expression or of an equation separated by mathematical signs.

How can the equation force massx acceleration be rewritten?

The equation can be rewritten as F = ma, where F represents force, m represents mass, and a represents acceleration.

What part of the general slope-intercept equation represents the slope?

The slope-intercept form of an equation is: y = mx + b In this case, "m" is the slope, and "b" is the y-intercept.