

What part of the tree is used for paper?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What part of the tree is used for paper?
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How is paper tree genetically modified?

The paper tree was modified to have square leaves, that when dried can be used as paper.

What part of the tree is useful to us?

For paper production are mainly used tree trunks, because of which it is easiest to obtain large quantities of wood pulp.

What part of a tree do you use to make paper?

The Bark

How do you say paper tree in Japanese?

this depends on the meaning of "paper tree" if you mean a tree that will used to make paper kami no tame no ki if you mean a tree made of paper kami de dekitteiru ki

Does paper have cells?

yea ====== yes there are dead cells in paper because it was part of a tree before

Which tree's stem we use?

The tree stem that we used is the trunk. Wood from the trunk of the tree is used in everyday items such as paper.

What did the McCances use to decorate their Christmas tree?

The McCances used paper to decorate their Christmas "tree".

What kind of tree is used to make us paper money?

Strangler Fig Tree

What did the McCances to decorate their Christmas tree?

The McCances used paper to decorate their Christmas "tree".

What was paper first made for in china?

Paper was first made out of a mulberry tree. Ts'ai Lun broke the part of the tree and he broke into small fibers. Later they were turned into a sheet of paper by pounding the fibers.

How many trees are used for paper?

the average tree makes around 40,000 sheets of paper

Which plant is used in making paper?

If you're looking for the answer in industrial terms, a paper mill would be the answer.If you're looking for what organism creates paper, it's a tree. A tree is a tree as far as I know, and isn't exactly considered a plant.