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Bernoulli's Principal is as the speed of a fluid (liquid or gad) increases the pressure of the fluid decreases. The shape of an airplane wing causes the air to move faster over the top of the wing, thus lifting the wing up.

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Q: What parts of a plane help to maintain its lift?
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Which parts of the plane create lift?

The wings and horizontal tail surfaces create lift.

Why do planes have to land on their backs first not the front?

The nose of the plane needs to be tilted up to maintain lift

What does a plane need to make it fly?

Using light-weight materials, an aerodynamic design, power source to get the plane off the ground will all help. Probably the biggest thing a plane needs is enough lift from the wings. The shape of the wing helps create this lift. The wing's profile kind of looks like a tear drop that is flat on the bottom and curved on the top tapering to a point to the rear of the wing. If I remember correctly, this profile creates an area of high pressure on the underside of the wing compared to a lower pressure on top of the wing. This is what creates the lift for the plane. Of course you have to maintain a proper speed to maintain this lift in order to keep the plane in the air...Hope that helps.

What is the flape on the plane and how do they help the plane?

the flaps on a plane increase drag and they create lift so the piolt can fly the plane at a lower speed.

What is the part that does the most in aiding a commercial jet liner lift off the ground?

The pilot. All the mechanical parts on the plane are important, but if a pilot doesn't start the engines, taxi to the runway and open the throttles, the plane won't lift off the ground.

What are the functions of a airliner planes parts?

Basically, Wings provide lift to fly Elevators make the plane point(fly) up and down. Ailerons make the plane bank. The rudder turns the nose of the plane.

What do flaps help an airplane do?

An airplanes having the flaps in wings as it helps the plane to give or to produce a additional lift.

Where are the flaps on a plane?

They are on the trailing edge of the wings. They are used to increase drag and can increase lift. If set to a large enough angle the amount of drag exceeds the added lift and allows a plane to land a slow down in a shorter distance than it could in a no flap condition. Flaps assist on allowing an airplane to fly at a slower speed and maintain lift and control.

How much lift does an airplane need to fly?

It depends on the mass of the plane. The heavier the plane, the more lift it needs.

How does the speed on an airplane help it fly?

The flow of air over the top surface of the wings provides the lift that holds the plane aloft. The greater the velocity of the flow of air over the wings, the greater the lift. If the plane slows down sufficiently, and the flow of air is reduced enough, there will not be enough lift to hold the plane aloft, and it will begin to fall. When that occurs, it is called a "stall."

What is the function of the wing of a plane?

To lift the plane and enable it to fly.

What does the wing do on a plane?

It provides lift to keep the plane airborne.