

What percent of 140 is n plus 94?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What percent of 140 is n plus 94?
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117.5. Another way to word it is "0.8 times what number is 94?" In equation form: 0.8 * n = 94 divide both sides by 0.8 to get: n = 117.5.

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Regard the problem as, 4 x n = 94 : then n = 94/4 = 23.5 ft

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The sum of the angles : (n - 2)180° The measure of one angle: [(n - 2)180°]/n Then we have: [(n - 2)180°]/n = 140° multiply by n to both sides; [(n - 2)180°] = 140°n 180°n - 360° = 140°n divide by 20 to both sides; 9°n - 18° = 7°n subtract 7°n and add 18° to both sides; 2°n = 18° divide by 2° to both sides; n = 9 Thus, the regular polygon has 9 sides.

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They have n in common.

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Answer: n=9---- Explanation:140 degrees is the measure of each angle and the sum of the interior angle is180(n-2)So we have 140(n) is the sum of the n interior angles.140n=180(n-2)140n=180n-360-40n=-360n=9Check it:180(9-2)=1260 divide this by 9 and we have 140 as desired

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10(N+14)=9N 10N+140=9N N=-140 I can verbalize this, I hope you can. Check 10(-140+14)=9(-140) 10(-126)=-1260 -1260=-1260