Expressed as a percentage, 5/24 x 100 = 20.83 recurring (that is, 20.83333..)
48 = 10% of 480 24 = 5% of 480
24 is what percentage of 60?24/60 = 2/5 = 0.4 = 40%
It is: 20.8'3'% recurring '3'
5 / 24 = 0.2083... To convert a decimal into a percentage, multiply by 100. So 0.2083... x 100 = 20.8% (1 decimal place.)
Expressed as a percentage, 5/24 is equal to 20.83 recurring (that is, 20.83333...) percent.
480% to convert a fraction into a percentage, you devide the numerator by the denominator and then multiply the answer by 100. so 24÷5=4.8•100=480
% rate = 41.67% = 10/24 * 100% = 0.4167 * 100% = 41.67%
24/27 as a percentage = 88.89%
24 as a percentage of 200 is 12%
24/32 as a percentage = 100*24/32 = 75%