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Q: What percentage is one and two one-hundredths?
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What is the percentage of two and one half?

2.5 = 250%

What is one and two fifths as a percentage?

Expressed as a percentage, 1 2/5 is equal to 140 percent.

What are the two main atmosphereic gases and what is the approximate percentage of each one in the atmosphere?

The two main atmospheric gases are nitrogen and oxygen. The approximate percentage for nitrogen is 78% and oxygen's approximate percentage is 21%.

What percentage of golfers have a plus handicap?

One in two thousand or 0.05%.

What is one divided by two written as a percentage?

(1 ÷ 2) × 100 = 50%

What is one hundred million over two billion as a percentage?

Expressed as a percentage, 100000000/2000000000 x 100 = 5 percent.

What percentage of one billion is two thirds?

2/3 as a percentage of 1 billion = 2/3 * 100/1000000000 = 0.00000006666667

What is twenty two one hundred twenty fifths as a percentage?

twenty two one hundred twenty fifths as a percentage = 4600%= 22 120/5 * 100%= (22 + 24) * 100%= 46 * 100%= 4600%

How do you write two tenths in percentage?

Two tenths in percentage would be 20%.

What is the percentage of girls with autism?

Approximately one in two hundred girls are autistic, or 0.5%.

What is one frouth as a percentage?

25% is one fourth as a percentage.