

Best Answer

Swedish is spoken by about 9,000,000 people, accounting for about 0.013% of the world's population.

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Q: What percentage of people speak Swedish?
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Why do Swedish people speak french?

Swedish people do not speak French as their primary language. The official language of Sweden is Swedish. Some people in Sweden may know how to speak French as a second language or for specific reasons such as work or study.

Where do people speak Swedish?

Swedish is primarily spoken in Sweden, where it is the official language. It is also spoken in parts of Finland, particularly in areas along the coast and islands. Additionally, there are Swedish-speaking communities in Estonia and Norway.

How many people speak Swedish?

According to WolframAlpha, in 2003 Sweden had 7,627,000 visitors.

When did the Swedish begin to speak French?

The Swedish don't speak French, they speak Swedish.

What language did Swedish people speak when they first came to America?

They spoke Swedish.

What is unique about people in Sweden?

they speak swedish

How many more people speak English than Swedish?

About 1.5 billion people speak English as either a first language or second language.About 9.2 million people speak Swedish as either a first language or second language.So about 1.49 billion more people speak English than Swedish.

What percentage of the people of Sweden speak Swedish?

99.99999999 and nines forever There will always be people that not speak swedish in sweden, turists, foreigner, immigrants, etc Experts guess is that swedish is understood apx 13-14 million people around the world

What lanugage does Finland speck?

If your question was supposed to be "What language do people that live in Finland speak?", then the right answer is Finnish and Swedish. Thought only 5.5% speak Swedish, and the rest speak Finnish.

What percentage of people in Marseille speak french?

twenty percentage of people in marseille speak french

Do people who are Swedish speak German?

They might speak it if they have studied the language elsewhere but if generalizing then no, swedes don't speak German.

What language do finish people speak?

Finnish. With some minorities of Swedish and Sami