The smallest planet in our Solar System is Mercury. The second-smallest is Mars, which has MORE than half of Earth's diameter.
Mercury. It has a diameter of around 4880km, while Earths diameter is 12104 km on average.
Mercury. It has a diameter of around 4880km, while Earths diameter is 12104 km on average.
Mercury's diameter (at the equator) = 4880km or 0.3825 x Earths diameter Venus' diameter = 12,104km or 0.9488 x Earths Earth's diameter = 12,756km Mars' diameter = 6794km or 0.5323 x Earths Jupiter's diameter = 142,984km or 11.21 x Earths Saturn's diameter = 120,534km or 9.45 x Earths Uranus' diameter = 51,114km or 4.01 x Earths Neptune's diameter = 49,532km or 3.88 x Earths (Pluto's diameter = 2306km or 0.18 x Earths) I included Pluto on the end there, its not classed as a planet any more though, but a dwarf planet.
The third largest planet in terms of diameter is Uranus, with a diameter of about 50,724 kilometers.
Venus is closest to the Earths size and mass - often referred to as Earths sister or twin planet. Venus' Mass is around 82% of Earths, while its diameter is a little smaller than Earths at around 95% of Earths diameter.
Venus is closest to the Earths size and mass - often referred to as Earths sister or twin planet. Venus' Mass is around 82% of Earths, while its diameter is a little smaller than Earths at around 95% of Earths.
... than Earth. Smaller. Venus' Mass is around 82% of Earths, while its diameter is a little smaller than Earths at around 95% of Earths diameter.
Venus is closest to the Earth in terms of width (diameter). Its mean diameter is 12103km, while Earths is 12742km. Venus' diameter is therefore around 95% of Earths.
VenusVenusVenusVenus, often referred to as our twin planet. It has a volume which is about 85.7% of earths, while it's mean diameter is about 95% of earths.
Earths diameter at the equator is around 40,074 km