

What prime numbers multiplied together make 1225?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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1225 = 52*72

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Q: What prime numbers multiplied together make 1225?
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What two numbers multiplied make 1225?

35*35 = 1225

How do you make 1225 out of 4 prime numbers?

As a product of its prime factors: 5*5*7*7 = 1225

What 4 prime numbers make 1225?

5,5,7 and 7.

What 3 numbers times together equals 1225?

They can be: 1*25*49 = 1225

What 4 prime numbers multiply to make 1225?


What equals 1225 and is a prime?

The prime factorization of 1225 is 5x5x7x7.

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What are the prime factor of 1225?

Prime factors of 1225 are 5, 5, 7, and 7.

What two-digit number multiplied by itself to 1225?

35*35 = 1225

What is 1225 as a product of prime numbers?

5 x 5 x 7 x 7

What number when multiplied by itself gives 1225?

Take the square root of 1225, which is 35.

What s the highest common factor of 1225 using prime numbers?

If that's 12 and 25, they have no common prime factors, so the GCF is 1.