

What properties of rectangle do the square have?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Pointed edges and straight sides. That's all I can think of.

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Q: What properties of rectangle do the square have?
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What are the properties of rhombus and rectangle that square has?

Properties of rhombus that square has :- * All sides are equal. Properties of rectangle that square has :- *Each angle is 90 degree. *Diagonals are equal.

Why is a square a rectangle?

A rectangle is a parallelogram with angles of 90 degrees. A square has those properties (and more) so it is a rectangle.

What are the similarities of a square and rectangle?

For a start, a square IS a rectangle, so it has ALL the properties of a rectangle. A square has the additional property that all of its sides have the same length.

Are any rectangles regular?

I don't think so because "rectangle" implies only properties of a rectangle, not a square. The rectangle would have to be a square to be regular.

Can a rectangle be also a rhombus?

Yes. There is a shape that has all the properties of a rectangle and all the properties of a rhombus at the same time. It is called a square.

What is special about a square and what properties does it have?

A square is a rectangle that's height is equal to its width.

Properties of a non-square rectangle?

Properties of a non-square rectangle include the following: The diagonal cross each other and are congruent. Opposite sides are congruent as well as parallel.

What are common properties of a rectangle and square?

They all have hexagonal sides

When is a rectangle a square?

A rectangle is a square when all of its sides are the same length.A rectangle is SOMETIMES a square.However, a square, is ALWAYS a rectangle.This is due to the properties held by a rectangle as well as properties of a square.Properties of Rectangle:Opposite sides are congruent.All angles are 90o.Opposite sides are parallel.Opposite central angles created by the diagonals are congruent.All diagonals are congruent.Properties of a Square:All sides are congruent.All angles are 90o.Opposite sides are congruent.Opposite sides are parallel.Diagonals intersect at a 90o angle.All diagonals are congruent.So one can have a square that is always a rectangle due to the properties. However, a rectangle will only be a square if properties are the same as a square.SometimesWhen all of its sides are exactly the same length.

Are rectangles also rhombus?

Most rectangles are not rhombuses, but there is a shape that has all the properties of a rectangle and all the properties of a rhombus at the same time. It is called a square. A square is a special rectangle and a special rhombus.

Why does a square is a rectangle?

A square fulfills all the properties of a rectangle: four sides; opposite sides are parallel; all angles are right angles.

What is the relationship between a parallelogram a rectangle and a square?

A square has all the properties of a rectangle and rhombus. (A square is always a rectangle.) A rectangle is not always a square but is always a parallelogram. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral (four sided figure) with both pairs of opposite sides are parallel. A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles.