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well a square has four but it doesnt matter so deal with my opinion

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Q: What quadrangle has at least 1 right angle?
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Draw a quadrangle that has at least one right angle?

how do you draw a quadrangle that has at least 1 right angle.

What is a quadrangle with at least 1 right angle?


Draw a quadrangle that has at least 1 right angle?


Can you see a quadrangle that has at least 1 right angle?

Yes, I can.

What is a quadrangle that has at least 1 right angle?

There is no specific name for such a shape.

What is a quadrangle with only 1 right angle?

a kite

What shape is a quadrangle with 1 right angle?


What is quadrangle has 1 right angle?

It can be a trapezium, kite, arrowhead, or a general quadrangle. Squares and rectangles also have one right angle - they have more that 1, but that still means they have 1.

What is a quadrangle that has at least 1 right angle look like?

it will have 4 or more sides and 1 or more square thing at a corner

How do you draw a quadrangle with 1 right angle?

Draw a square / rectangle, a quadrangle is just a shape with 4 sides, as long as one is a right angle your golden

How do you draw a quadrangle that has at least 1 right angle?

Draw two line segments, AB and BC, meeting at a right angle at the point B. Pick any point, D, in the plane, which is inside angle ABC or its opposite angle. Join CD and AD. Then ABCD will be a quadrangle which meets the requirements.

Quadrangle with 1 right angle?

Two possibilities are a kite, or an irregular quadrilateral with one right angle!