A trapezium can have either no right angles or exactly 2 right angles: ...................................... ......------.........---------...... ..../........\.......|..........\..... .../..........\......|...........\.... ../............\.....|............\... ..-------------.....------------... ....................................... Are two trapezia: the first has no right angles, the second has 2.
A special type of Kite has exactly two right angles and a certain type of trapezium can have 2 right angles.
A trapezoid can have 2 right angles, an obtuse and an acute angle Or a kite.
A kite and a trapezium can have exactly two right angles.
An irregular hexagon
A Rhombus had 2 pairs of parallel sides and has NO right angles. :)
hi ritishaImproved Answer:-Not normally but a trapezoid can have 2 right angles. 1 acute angle and 1 obtuse angle with the 4 angles added together totaling 360 degrees
A right trapezium. A right trapezium. A right trapezium. A right trapezium.
A trapezoid can have two right angles, one obtuse angle and one acute angle that altogether add up to 360 degrees.