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Q: What quadrilateral always has 3 congruent angles?
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Does a quadrilateral always have 3 congruent angles?

No. Very few of them do.

Do a quadrilateral always have exactly two congruent angles?

No. Only sometimes. A quadrilateral can have any number of congruent angles ... none, 2, 3, or 4.

Does a quadrilateral always have exactly three congruent angles?

A quadrilateral never has exactly 3 congruent angles. It can have none, two, two pairs of two, or four.

Does a quadrilateral have three congruent angles?

It cannot. There is no way to draw a quadrilateral where 3 sides are congruent.

Can a quadrilateral with 3 congruent angles not be a rectangle?

Yes. For example, a quadrilateral with internal angles of 80, 80, 80, 120 has three congruent angles, but is not a rectangle.

Does a quadrilateral have exactly 3 congruent angles?

A quadrilateral is ANY closed figure with 4 sides. Therefore, it also has 4 angles - any of which may, or may not, be congruent. About the only general statement about angles that applies to all quadrilaterals is that the sum of the angles is 360 degrees. By the way, it is possible for a quadrilateral to have 3 congruent angles, and the fourth angle not be congruent with the other 3.

Does a quadrilateral triangle have exactly 3 congruent angles?

A quadrilateral shape has four sides and four internal angles. A triangle has three sides and three internal angles. Therefore there is no such thing as a quadrilateral triangle.

Does a quadrilaters have exactly three congruent angles?

Not sure what a "quadrilaters" is. A quadrilateral is a plane (2-dimensional) figure with four straight sides. It can have all four angles different. It can have two congruent angles (kite), 3 congruent angles (no specific name), 2 pair of two congruent angles (parallelogram/rhombus), or four congruent angles (rectangle/square).

What is a counter example for the statement congruent angles are always vertical angles?

Vertical angles must necessarily be congruent, however congruent angles do not necessarily have to be vertical angles. An example of congruent angles which are not vertical angles are the 3 interior angles of an equilateral triangle. These angles do not share the same vertex yet they are congruent.

Does a quadrilateral triangle have exactly 2 congruent angles?

Quadrilaterals are not triangles, and there is no such thing as a quadrilateral triangle. Perhaps you mean equilateral, in which case, it has 3 equal angles and 3 equal sides; the word equilateral actually means equal sides. And quadrilateral means four sides. Triangle means 3 angles.

Does a scalene triangle have congruent angles?

No, An equilateral triangle has 3 congruent angles, an isosceles triangle has 2 congruent angles, a scalene triangle has no congruent angles.

Does an obtuse triangle always have 3 congruent sides?

An obtuse triangle does not always have three congruent sides. An obtuse triangle can be any form that always has three angles.