

What quality do prime numbers have in common?

Updated: 5/3/2021
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8y ago

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They all have only two factors.

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Q: What quality do prime numbers have in common?
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What quality does prime numbers and primary color have in common?

They cannot be made by combining simpler components.

Can prime numbers and common numbers be the same?

Yes, numbers can have common prime factors.

What quality do primary numbers have in common with primary colors?

Prime numbers r 3 and primary colors are red, blue, yellow

What quality do all prime numbers have in common with primary colors?

Prime numbers cannot be made up from multiplying other numbers. Primary colours cannot be made up from adding other colours.

Which are the prime numbers with 1 as the common factor?

All prime numbers have a common factor of 1.

What numbers have the greatest common factors of one?

Co-prime numbers, relatively prime numbers and any set of prime numbers.

What is the name of the numbers with no common factor except 1?

Prime numbers are numbers with no common factors but one and itself.

What is the least common multiple of two different prime numbers?

The least common multiple of two different prime numbers is the product of those two prime numbers.

What set of numbers has a greatest common factor of 1?

Prime numbers and numbers that are relatively prime.

When can you multiply two numbers together to get the least common multiple?

When they have no common prime factors.

Is it possible for two numbers that are both even to be relatively prime?

No. Two numbers are relatively prime if they have no prime factors in common. Two even numbers will have 2 as a prime factor in common.