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A cube.

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Q: What rectangular prism do you think is goin to have the largest volume?
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How do you find a volume of a cube and rectangular prism?

i think it's length x width x height

What shape does a rectangular prism have Than a rectangular prism does not have?

Presumably a rectangular prism is the same as a rectangle prism with maybe different dimensions

What is the suface area of a rectangular prism when l60 w24 h5?

i think it is that when a person asks what is the area of a rectangular prism you give them the answer

How many congruent edges does a rectangular prism have?

I think a rectangular prism has 6 congruent edges, or not... sorry if I didn't help

What is the 3d shape for a book?

I think its a rectangular prism

What is a prism with 2 hexagonal faces and 6 rectangular faces?

i think the answer is a hexagonal prism

How many faces are on a a rectangular prism?

i think six faces

How many straight edges are their in a rectangular prism?

i think it have 12

Does a rectangular prism have any perpendicular or congruent sides?

i think it does

Does a rectangular prism have 1 face or 6 faces?

6 i think, prism is 3-D. A "rectangular prism" is also known as a parallelepiped, and yes, it is a three dimensional object of six faces.

Is a cube a square prism?

think of it.. a square prism has a rectangular body and square bases. while a cube has six equal faces (with no rectangular body) so that is a NO.

What are 10 things about a rectangular prism?

It has 6 faces, 8 vertices, and 12 edges. You can think of it as box and you can call it a cube. It's rectangular and it's a prism. It's 3D and it has 4 rectangles and 2 squares in it. There, 10 things about a rectangular prism.