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It depends on the triangle. There is no description of this relationship that fits all triangles.

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Q: What relationship does the angle of a triangle have with its height?
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Can you work out the area of any triangle using bxh divided by 2?

Yes, that works for any triangle. The height always has to be at a right angle to the base. If there is an angle over 90 degrees, you may have to extend the base.Yes, that works for any triangle. The height always has to be at a right angle to the base. If there is an angle over 90 degrees, you may have to extend the base.Yes, that works for any triangle. The height always has to be at a right angle to the base. If there is an angle over 90 degrees, you may have to extend the base.Yes, that works for any triangle. The height always has to be at a right angle to the base. If there is an angle over 90 degrees, you may have to extend the base.

What is the height of the triangle?

The height of a triangle is the point from the base to the upmost point of the triangle. On a right triangle, it is measured on the the longest side that makes a right angle. Thanks for using!

How do you make a trapezoid out of a square and triangle?

It is a square with a right angle triangle attached to it having the same height as the square.

How do you find the height of an equilateral triangle if you have the length of the hypotenuse?

An equilateral triangle hasn't a hypotenuse; hypotenuse means the side opposite the right angle in a right triangle. An equilateral triangle has no right angles; rather all three of its angles measure 60 degrees. Knowing the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle does not give enough information to determine the triangle's height. But the length of a side (which is the same for every side) of an equilateral triangle is enough information from which to calculate the height of that triangle. The first way is simply to use the formula that has been developed for this purpose: height = (length X sqrt(3)) / 2. But you can also use the geometry of right triangles to solve for the height. That is because you can bisect the triangle with a vertical line from the top vertex to the center of the base. The length of that line, which splits the equilateral triangle into two right triangles, is the height of the equilateral triangle. We know a lot about each right triangle formed by bisecting the equilateral triangle: * - The hypotenuse length is the length of the equilateral triangle's side. * - The base length is half the length of the hypotenuse. * - The angle opposite the hypotenuse is 90 degrees. * - The angle opposite the vertical is 60 degrees (the measure of every angle of any equilateral triangle). * - The angle opposite the base is 30 degrees (half of the bisected 60-degree angle). * - (Note that the sum of the angles does equal 180 degrees, as it must.) Now to solve for the height of a right triangle. There are a few ways. For labeling, let's let h=height of the equilateral triangle and the vertical side of the right triangle; A=every angle of the equilateral triangle (each 60o); s=side length of any side of the equilateral triangle and thus the hypotenuse of the right triangle. Since the sine of an angle of a right triangle is equal to the ratio of the opposite side divided by the hypotenuse, we can write that sin(A) = h/s. Solving for h, we get h=sin(A)/s. With trig tables you can now easily find the height.

How do you calculate the base of the right triangle given the height and the opposite angle?

By using the tangent ratio of: opposite/tangent angle = adjacent which is the base

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What is the formula for area for a triangular prism without the height?

It is impossible to find the area of a triangle with no height, if the triangle had no height it would not even be a triangle, just a angle.

How do you calculate the height of the triangle when you have the base and an angle?


How do you calculate the height of right triangle given the base and adjacent angle?

Height will be h=base*tan(angle).

What is a Pythagorean relationship for a triangle?

Pythagoras' theorem states that in a right angle triangle the lenght of the hypotenuse when squared is equal to the height squared plus the base squared. a2+b2 = c2 whereas a = height, b = base and c = hypotenuse

What area of right triangle?

Area of a right angle triangle is: 0.5*base*height

How do you find the length of the base with no area and no height?

The measurement of the angle of the triangle...supposing it is a triangle.

What is the relationship between the area of a triangle and a rectangle?

The relationship between the area of a triangle and a rectangle is a Triangle is base times height divided by 2. Area of a rectangle is length times height.

Can you work out the area of any triangle using bxh divided by 2?

Yes, that works for any triangle. The height always has to be at a right angle to the base. If there is an angle over 90 degrees, you may have to extend the base.Yes, that works for any triangle. The height always has to be at a right angle to the base. If there is an angle over 90 degrees, you may have to extend the base.Yes, that works for any triangle. The height always has to be at a right angle to the base. If there is an angle over 90 degrees, you may have to extend the base.Yes, that works for any triangle. The height always has to be at a right angle to the base. If there is an angle over 90 degrees, you may have to extend the base.

Can height and base be equal of right triangle?

Yes and it will have a 90 degree angle and two angles of 45 degrees. Such a triangle is called an isosceles right angle triangle.

What is the height of the triangle?

The height of a triangle is the point from the base to the upmost point of the triangle. On a right triangle, it is measured on the the longest side that makes a right angle. Thanks for using!

What is the relationship between the shortest side of a triangle and the measure of the angle opposite it?

The shortest side of a triangle is opposite to the smallest interior angle.

How do do you get the base of a triangle?

With a 30 deqree angle at the top of a triangle and a height of 15