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Q: What repeated operation does anegative exponent show?
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7×7× 7×7×7×7×7

How do you use a power to show repeated multiplication?

The exponent shows how many times the number is being multiplied by itself. So if it's 10 to the power of 3 (which is 1000) ur are showing a shorter way of showing 10x10x10=1000.

What does a negative exponent show?

A negative exponent indicates division by the base. For example: 8 -3 = 1/(83)= 1/672

Does a period show the number of time a base is used as a factor?

No, an exponent does.

How can you use an exponent to show power of ten?

1000 = 10x10x10 = 103.The 3 is an exponent. It tells you how many times 10 is multiplied by itself to get 1000.

What is used to show repeated multiplication?


A numerical expression that sHow is repeated multiplication?


How do you show one billionth using a negative exponent?

One billionth = 10-9

What is added to the base unit to show multiples or fractions of that unit?

an exponent

How can you use an exponent to show powers of 10?

The exponent in this case is the small number written in superscript (raised) to the right of the 10.

What is the difference between an event being repeated and being repeatable?

"repeated" = it was repeated, it happened at least twice, if not several times; "repeatable" = its characteristics show that it can be repeated (this does not necessarily mean that that even will in fact repeat itself.

SHow is how many times a number is used as a factor?

An exponent tells how many times a number is used as a factor.