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Q: What results in a situation in which the chromosome number is either 2n plus 1 or 2n-1?
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What is the process that results in changing of chromosome number?


How does the significance of meiosis maintained the chromosome number?

No. Meiosis results in halving of chromosome number. Chromosome number after one round of meiosis is half that of original chromosome number. Generally, meiosis takes place during gamete formation. So when two gametes fuse, they lead to restoration of the chromosome number. Hence chromosome number can be maintained in sexually reproducing organisms.

A situation in which chromosome number can be represented as either 2n plus 1 or 2n-1 is called?

A situation in which the chromosome number can be represented as either 2n plus 1 or 2n-1 is called aneuploidy. Aneuploidy refers to an abnormal number of chromosomes, either an extra or a missing chromosome, compared to the normal diploid number. This can lead to genetic disorders and developmental abnormalities.

Does sperm contain x and y chromosome?

In humans the male sperm contains EITHER an X chromosome, or a Y chromosome since human gametes are haploid (n) in chromosome number.

Change in chromosome number in mitosis and meiosis?

Meiosis results in a change in chromosome number indicated by division of cells into two identical cells. This is a process that is used for purposes of reproduction.

What is Meiosis definition?

Meiosis is the type of cell division that results in gametes (sex cells) that possess half the chromosome number of the parent cell. In other words, meiosis reduces the chromosome number by one-half.

How does DNA or chromosomes cause hemophilia?

The "X" chromosome . . . I believe it is number 23 . . .

What number of chromosomes are affected in tourette syndrome?

Either chromosome 13 or 7. Mostly 13

How does mitosis conserve chromosome number while meiosis reduces the number from diploid to haploid?

Short Answer: the [it appears] one, extra, cellular process that only Meiotic Cells possess is termed "Chromosome Reduction"; we have seen (elsewhere) that this process results in the reduction of Chromosome Number from the mitotic {somatic} 2N to the Meiotic {gametic} 1N.

What is miosise?

A type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each with half the chromosome number of the parent cell.

What is the modal chromosome number?

The modal chromosome number is the most common chromosome number within a population or sample.

How does the chromosome number in a diploid cell differ from the chromosome number in a haploid cell?

The chromosome number in hapliod cell is 1 while the dipliod chromosome has 2