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It gives one of the gametes an extra chromosome and leaves the other gamete with one less chromosome.

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Q: What effect does nondisjunction have on the chromosome number of the gametes?
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What occurs during nondisjunction?

Nondisjunction is a chromosomal abnormality that results in the failure of homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids to separate properly during cell division. This can lead to an uneven distribution of chromosomes in daughter cells, causing genetic disorders or conditions such as Down syndrome.

What effect does non disjunction have on the chromosome number of the gametes?

A gamete can possess n+1 or n-1 chromosomes as a result of nondisjunction.

Name the 2 human gametes and tell their chromosome number?

The human gametes are Male gametes are sperm and female gametes are eggs. And the gametes chromosome numbers are 42.

The faillure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis is called?

The failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis is called nondisjunction. This can result in an incorrect number of chromosomes in the daughter cells, leading to genetic disorders such as Down syndrome.

What To maintain the chromosome number of an organism the gametes must?

Be produced by meosis.

If a cell that undergoes meiosis later is four cells with chromosome numbers 17 17 18 and 16 what happened?

This would indicate that nondisjunction occurred during meiosis, leading to an unequal distribution of chromosomes in the resulting gametes. One cell received an extra chromosome (n+1), one cell lost a chromosome (n-1), and two cells have the normal number of chromosomes. This leads to aneuploidy in the resulting cells.

What best describes the function of meiosis?

reduces chromosome number by half, produces gametes

What chromosome is the sex determining chromosome?

That would be the chromosome number 23. Regarding the [sex] chromosome number 23, the female gametes always have a [haploid] X chromatid, whereas the male gametes are just as likely to possess a [haploid] X chromatid as they are to possess a [haploid] Y chromatid.

Does sperm contain x and y chromosome?

In humans the male sperm contains EITHER an X chromosome, or a Y chromosome since human gametes are haploid (n) in chromosome number.

How does the significance of meiosis maintained the chromosome number?

No. Meiosis results in halving of chromosome number. Chromosome number after one round of meiosis is half that of original chromosome number. Generally, meiosis takes place during gamete formation. So when two gametes fuse, they lead to restoration of the chromosome number. Hence chromosome number can be maintained in sexually reproducing organisms.

How does the number of chromosome in a persons gametes compare with the numbers of chromosomes in the body cells?

There are half as many chromosomes in gametes than in normal body cells.

What does a gamete have?

Gametes normally contain only one set of chromosome – this number is called Haploid.