If the GCF of two numbers is 12 and the LCM is 24, the two numbers are 12 and 24.
24 and 48 have a GCF of 24 and an LCM of 48.
No because their gcf is 8 and their LCM is 48
8 and 24
The LCM is: 72
GCF = 24 LCM = 120
2 x 12 = 24, but there's an easier way if you remember that the product of the GCF and LCM of a pair of numbers will always be equal to the product of the two numbers.
12 and 8
6 and 8
6 & 8
2 and 24 6 and 8
Greatest Common Factor (GCF) for 72 168 is 24.Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 72 168 is 504.