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Q: What shape can hold two isosceles right triangles in it?
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Which shape boat will hold the most weight?

Squared and triangles

Why are tortilla chips triangles?

That is just the shape that they are made in. It makes them unique and slightly different than many other snack chips, and it is easy to hold onto and eat.

What kind of polygon can hold two triangles inside of it?


Which way is right and which way is left?

when you hold up your left hand in an L shape, it will make an L, but if you do it with your right, it will make a backwards L.

What shape can hold the most weight?

a donut shape will hold the most weight.and also an l shape

Why do you suppose the girders are often arranged in triangles?

Because triangles distribute the weight to the sides of the bottom of the triangle allowing it to hold more weight than if it were a square

how does triangulation help to make a frame structure stronger?

a triangle can distribute force down its sides to suppot weight, this helps it hold its shape. triangles are commonly used in trusses, a type of design commonly used in things like bridges.

How many ounces does a drinking glass hold that is 2.5 inches wide x 4.25 high?

Assuming the glass is cylndrical in shape, it will hold just over 12 ounces.Assuming the glass is cylndrical in shape, it will hold just over 12 ounces.Assuming the glass is cylndrical in shape, it will hold just over 12 ounces.Assuming the glass is cylndrical in shape, it will hold just over 12 ounces.

How do silly bands hold their shape?


How do you set the time on the clock on a 2002 Chevy Tracker?

On your radio console the bottom right hand corner are two "change" buttons with triangles on the face of each. Hold the Left one down til you see the Hours change, now the right one til the minutes change to your correct time. Hold each for a few seconds and you'll catch on to what is happening.

Why does the LL theorem hold for proving right triangles congruent?

That's only true if the "legs" are indeed legs, i.e. the triangle is a right triangle, and the legsinclude a 90-degree angle.

If you are building a structure out of dry fettuccine to hold a textbook what is the best structure?

Triangles are the strongest structure in the world - most bridges etc include triangular metal parts to strengthen the bridge. I reccommend that you somehow create many triangles and support your textbook on top of these triangles.