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A prism.

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Q: What shape has 2 opposite identical faces and some other faces which are paralleograms?
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This shape has 2 opposite identical faces and some other faces which are parallelogram?

This shape has 2 opposite identical faces and some other which are parallelograms is a prism. A cylinder shape has 2 circular faces and one curved face.

Which 3D shape has 2 opposite identical faces and some other faces woth parallelograms answer?


3d shape this shape has 2 opposite identical faces and some other faces that are parallelograms?

it is a decogonanon it is a decogonanon

What 3d shape has 2 opposite identical faces and some other faces which are parallelogram?

A skew triangular prism.

What shape has 2 opposite identical faces and some other faces which are rectangles?

a cuboid * * * * * A prism, of which, a cuboid is a special case.

What 3d shape has got 2 opposite identical faces and some other faces which are parallelograms?

A skewed prism or, if the other faces are rectangles rather than parallelograms, a right prism.

What 3d shape has 2 opposite identical faces and some other faces which are parallelograms?

Prism, which a polyhedron with two congruent and parallel faces (the bases) and whose lateral faces are parallelograms.

Which 3-d has 2 opposite identical faces and some other face which are parallelograms?

Prism, which a polyhedron with two congruent and parallel faces (the bases) and whose lateral faces are parallelograms.

3d shape that has two opposite identical faces and some other faces which are parallelograms?

The 3D shape that fits this description is a prism. Prisms have two identical, parallel bases, and the other faces are parallelograms that connect the corresponding edges of the bases.

What is it called when a shape has two identical triangular faces the other three faces are rectangle?

It is a triangular prism.

What shape has 2 opposite faces and some other faces which are parellograms?

a prism

Each strand in the double helix is identical to the opposite strand?

No each strand is complementary to the other, not identical. Opposite strands will run in the opposite direction with nucleotides that complement the other strand Ex. 5actgactgactg3 & 3tgactgactgac5