A shape with 4 right angles and 4 equal sides is a square. ==========================
No shape has four equal sides and four different angles - either there are two pairs of equal angles, or all four angles are the same; or all sides are not the same length.
All right angles will be equal as they are all 90O. Shapes that have 4 right angles will be rectangles (which include squares).
A square has 4 equal sides with opposite angles that are equal.
a square. all of the angles are 90 degrees or pi/2 radians.
A rectangle. The opposite sides at least must be equal if all four angles are 90o.
A shape with 4 equal sides is a rhombus. If it also has 4 equal angles, then it is a square.
A square has 4 equal sides with 4 right angles.
a triangle=======================an equilateral triangle
what shape has 4 right angles and 2 pairs of equal sides?
A Rectangle :)