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it depends on the size of side of the rectangular & square.

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Q: What shape has 4 rectangles and two squres?
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How many rectangles does it take to make a rectangular prism?

You need 4 rectangles and two squares * * * * * No, you do not need to have squares: there can be six rectangles - as in a brick shape.

What is a 2-d shape with 4 sides and 4 right angles?

Squares and rectangles have a two-dimensional shape with four sides and four right angles.

what 3 D shape has 4 rectangles and 2 triangles?

There is no 3D shape with 6 faces: 4 rectangles and 2 triangles. See the link for all forms of hexahedra.

What 3d shape has 6 faces 4 of them are rectangles?


What shape has 4 angles and that are all equal?

squares and rectangles

Can you call a 4 sided shape a parallellogram?

Only if 2 sides are parallel with each other, and the other two sides are also parallel with each other. All squares are rectangles. All rectangles are parallelograms. All parallelograms are 4 sided. But not all 4-sided are parallelograms, not all parallelograms are rectangles, and not all rectangles are squares.

Can two rectangles have a different shape but have the same perimeter?

Yes. A 1 x 4 and a 2 x 3 have the same perimeter.

What does a rectangular prism mean?

i a shape that has 2 squares and 4 rectangles . :) !

What shape has 6 flat surfaces 4 of which are rectangles?

rectangular prism

Which statements about squares and rectangles are true?

The statements:It is a quadrilateral (a shape with 4 sides)It has two pairs of opposite sides equal of equal length which are parallelAll angles are equal at 90°The diagonals are equal in length and bisectall squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squaresare all true about squares and rectangles

What 3d shape has 4 rectangles and 2 squares?

A square based prism.

Is a square the only quadrilateral shape?

What do you think. Rectangles and many others i forgot Quad= shape with 4 sides