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Not sure how you can have only one parallel side. What is it parallel to?

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Q: What shape has 4 sides 1 parllel side?
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Which shape has 1 set of parllel line?

A trapezoid has 1 set of parallel lines

A quadrilateral with exactly 1 pair of opposite sides that is parllel?

well... i hav no idea!

What is a math trapezoids?

A "Math Trapazoid" is a shape that has 4 sides. There is 1 long side on the bottom, 1 medium sized side on the top, and 2 equal slanted sides on the sides of the shape.

What shape has 2 equal sides and 1 different side?

An isosceles triangle has two equal sides and one different side.

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What shape has 1 side?

A shape cannot have only one side because it would not be closed. A shape must have at least three sides to be a closed figure (no "gaps")

What is a 4 sided shape with 2 equal sides and 2 equal sides with 1 angle on each side?

A square

What shape has 1 parallel side 2 right angle and 4 sides?

No shape has only 1 parallel side. A trapezoid is a 4-sided shape, or quadrilateral, with only 2 parallel sides; it does not necessarily have to have 2 right angles. (In the UK a trapezoid is called a trapezium.) In North America, a trapezium is a quadrilateral with 0 (no) parallel sides.

What is a shape with a number of angles that is different from the number of sides in the shape?

A circle. One side, zero angles. Also a line as it is a 1-dimensional shape.

What solid shape has 1 square side and 4 triangle sides?

It could be a square based pyramid

What is a shape with 2 straight sides and 1 curved side called?

A cylinder seems to fit the description

What is a shape that has 1 side?

A circle. But you can also think of a circle as having an infinite number of sides as well.