

What shape our culture?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What shape our culture?
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The solid culture shows shape, form and color.

How culture shape communication?

Culture shapes communication by influencing the language, gestures, tone, and norms used during interactions. Different cultures may place varying emphasis on aspects such as formality, directness, and body language, leading to misinterpretation or misunderstanding. Understanding cultural nuances and adapting communication styles can help bridge these differences and foster effective cross-cultural communication.

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the need ubderstandment

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I need to now that two for my homework.

Does language shape culture?

Yes, language plays a significant role in shaping culture by influencing communication patterns, social norms, and worldviews within a society. Different languages can convey unique perspectives and values, reflecting the cultural identity and heritage of a community. Language also impacts how individuals perceive and relate to the world around them, contributing to the richness and diversity of human cultures.

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Surroundings, upbringing, and experiences

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it suck of the emporear

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by creating a mass culture