

What shapes ending in gram?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What shapes ending in gram?
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What is the difference between gram-positive cocci and gram-negative rods?

Look at them under a microscope! If they are cocci, they will look like balls. If they are rods, they will look like...rods!

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Well, scientists have proven that shapes are never ending, just like numbers! So just think never ending numbers = never ending shapes!

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Moryella indoligenes

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A line segment is a line that has a point at the beginning and at the ending

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No - shapes ending with the prefix -gon are polygons, not prisms. A generic name for a six-faced polyhedron is a hexahedron.

How does the cell wall aid in classifying bacteria?

Bacteria fall under 2 categories based on their cell wall, either Gram positive or Gram negative. The bacterial cell wall is composed of peptidoglycan. A special staining technique called Gram staining is used to differentiate between these bacteria. Gram positive bacteria, containing a thick layer of peptidoglycan, will retain/absorb more of the crystal violet dye and appear purple/blueish after being stained. Gram negative bacteria contain an outer membrane which Gram positive bacteria do not. Also the peptidoglycan layer is much thinner compared to that of a Gram positive bacteria. This thinner layer will not absorb as much of the crystal violet dye as compared to the Gram positive bacteria. When a counterstain is added, the Gram negative bacteria will appear reddish/pinkish. Cliff notes Bacteria classified as either - Gram Positive -Gram Negative Gram Positive - No outer membrane - Thick layer of peptidoglycan - Will appear purple when stained Gram negative - Contain an outer membrane - Thin layer of peptidoglycan - Will appear reddish/pink when stained

What name the 3 types of bacteria?

There are many types of bacteria. It depends on what you are looking at as "type". There are cocci, bacilli, spirchetes (among other shapes) all referring to the shape of the bacteria. Of those they may be Gram positive or Gram Negative. There are anaerobes, aerobes, microaerophillic, and falcultative - all referring to the oxygen requirements of the bacteria. There are many other "types", but I would go with shape and Gram +/- such as "Gram + Cocci" as one type.

How much gram equal to one gram?

One gram is equal to one gram.

Candida albicans gram positive or gram negative?

Gram positive !!

What 3-d shapes have square bases?

There are infinitely many such shapes. There are infinitely many such shapes. There are infinitely many such shapes. There are infinitely many such shapes.

How a gram of gold and a gram of feather are equal in weight?

A gram is equal to another gram no matter what it is that weighs a gram.

What are 2d-shapes?

2d shapes are shapes that can only be seen from the front unlike 3d shapes and they are flat