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on the left hand side

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Q: What side of the work area does the open object tabs appear?
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What is what's the area of each shape or side of a three-dimensional object?

It is the total surface area of the 3-D object.

Where are the objects tabs for the open objects appear on access 2007?

left-hand side

What do you do to find the area of an object?

To find the area of a object you do width x highth for a rectangle. You multiply on side of the object 4 times to get the area of a square. To find the area of a trapizoid, the formula is, 1/2 times highth (base 1 plus base 2).

What is the relationship between perimeter and area and length?

Perimeter is the distance around an object. Area is the total amount of space inside the object. Length is the the measurement of one side of the object. Length is added up to find the perimeter. Length is multiplied to find the area.

How do you find the surface area of a simple object?

if you are finding the surface area of a cube, first find the area of one side by multiplying length X width and then multiply the area of one side of the cube by 6. that would be the surface area of the cube

How do you change the stacking order of the layers palette to have object appear above or below others?

with the layers panel open on the right side. Press and hold SHIFT - CLICK AND HOLD left mouse key move layer up of down to your required location

What GUI element is usually on the right side of the taskbar and displays open services?

The system tray is the area on the right side of the taskbar that displays open services.

What is an open number sentence?

An open number sentence is a sentence which contains a variable. A variable is a unknown number replaced with any letter and can appear on either side of the equals sign.

How do you place blocks in roblox?

First, open the "Tools" side bar. There will appear on the side a group of bricks. Click any brick you want to insert, and it will be inserted into the game view.

Can you explain scroll bars?

Scroll bars appear on a window when the contents of the window are too large to be seen within the viewing area represented by that window.They may appear to one side of the window vertically, or across the base of the window horizontally (or both).By clicking on and "grabbing" the button in the bar and moving it up and down or side to side respectively, the unseen area of the window's content is brought into view.The position of the scroll bar button in its slide area indicates how far up and down or side to side the current area visible is in relation to the whole content.

What is the total surface area of this object who's radius is 2 and side is 8?

If it's a cylinder then its total surface area is: 40*pi square units

What is the side of a object?

Its side!