

What square and prime number sum to 97?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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How about: 36+61 = 97

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Q: What square and prime number sum to 97?
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Is 97 a prime composite or square number?

97 is prime.

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It is: 2+97 = 99

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The sum of 2 and 97 is 99.

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In the interval [10,100] the lowest prime number is 11. The highest prime number is 97. 11 + 97 = 108.

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Prime. Take a near square root of your number; round it off to the next higher value, you will get a number say X. Check whether X divdes your number finitely, if yes then that number is composite else prime.

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The sum of prime numbers between 90 and 100 is 97, the only prime number between 90 and 100.

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It is: 97+2 = 99

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