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An algebraic identity

like (a+b)(a-b)=a2-b2

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Q: What states a rule and is a literal equation?
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What is a literal equation that states a rule for a relationship among quantities?


What is a special type of literal equation?

An identity is a special type of literal equation. It is true for all values of the variable.

What is the definition of literal equation?

Literal equation refers to an equation in which the variables represent known values. This type of equation allows the representation of things like distance, interest, time, and slope as variables in an equation.

An equation that contains two or more variables?

literal equation

What is an equation with letters standing for measured quantities?

Literal equation

In the term 21y what is the literal coefficient?

The literal coefficient is always the "letter" in the term. Therefore in this equation the "Literal Coefficient is "Y"

How do you write a rule as an equation?

write a rule as an equation

What is literal equations?

A literal equation is an equation where variables represent known values. Literal equations allow us to represent things such as distance, time and interest as variables in the equation.. Using variables instead of words is a 'time saver'. For example d=rt. Meaning distance = rate and time

What is an equation involving two or more variables?

An equation with two or more variables is called a polynomial. It can also be a literal equation.

An expression that contains at least one variable?

Literal Equation

Why would you want to solve a literal equation for a variable when you could simply plug in known values and then solve the resulting linear equation?

if you solve by plugging in the known values ahead of time you won't have a general formula for the variable in the literal equation. Therefor if the known values change, you would have to start all over again, making each problem more individualized. Once the literal equation is solved for some variable, if the known values change all you have to do is plug in those new numbers to your literal equation, and out pops your answer

How does solving a literal equation differ from solving a linear equation?

Because linear equations are based on algebra equal to each other whereas literal equations are based on solving for one variable.