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Q: What sum of integers h and you sum of integers a and b correct or incorrect?
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Is it never always or sometimes the sum of two positive integers is zero?

The sum of two positive integers is never zero. The sum of two numbers a and b can only be zero if a=-b, or a=0 and b=0. Since 0 is not a positive integer, and a and b cannot both be positive integers if a=-b, then it is impossible for the sum of two positive integers to be zero. _______________________________________________________________ The above answer is correct. Here is another way to say it: An integer is any whole number including negative numbers, positive numbers and zero. However, a "positive integer" is a whole number greater than zero. The "sum of two positive integers" means you are adding two numbers greater than zero together. Therefore, the sum of two positive integers can never be a negative integer, and can never be zero. Example: 1 + 1 = 2

Programme for sum of two integers using C?

int a = 1; int b = 2; int c = a + b; // Sum

What procedures will find the sum a plus b of two numbers where a and b represent any integers?

addition a + b

Flowchart to read 10 positive integers?

The flowchart to read 10 positive integers K>10 Start A N K=1 Sum = 0 Sum = Sum + K2 B Is Y Print K > 100? sum K=k+1 End B A

If two integers have the same sign what is the sine of their sum?

Sine(A+ B) = Sine(A)*Cosine(B) + Cosine(A)*Sine(B).

The variables a and b represent positive integers neither of which are divisible by 10 yet the product of a and b is 100000 Find the sum of a and b?


Is 'A' the correct answer?

On a multiple choice test with answers of A, B, C, and D, the answer of 'A' would only be the correct answer if all other choices are incorrect.

Associative principle for addition of integers?

The associative property states that, for the sum of three or more integers the order in which the summation in carried out does not make a difference to the answer. Thus, for any three integers, A, B and C: (A + B) + C = A + (B + C) and so, without ambiguity, we can write either as A + B + C. Note that A + B need not be the same as B + A. The order of the integers DOES matter. It is the order of the summing that does not.

What two mixed numbers have a sum 3?

There are infinitely many answers: 1+a/b and 2-a/b for any pair of positive integers a and b, with a<b.

What is the sun of four integers whose average is 15?

I assume you meant "sum". The answer is 60. 60=4 (integers) * 15 (average value of the integers). average of 4 integers = 15 --> (a + b + c + d)/4 = 15 --> (a + b + c + d) = 15 * 4 --> (a + b + c + d) = 60

What is 2 integers that have a sum of 2 and a difference of 8?

Given:a + b = 2a - b = 8Then:a = b + 8∴ (b + 8) + b = 2∴ 2b = -6∴ b = -3∴ a = 5

Prove that if a and b are rational numbers then a plus b is a rational number?

Because a is rational, there exist integers m and n such that a=m/n. Because b is rational, there exist integers p and q such that b=p/q. Consider a+b. a+b=(m/n)+(p/q)=(mq/nq)+(pn/mq)=(mq+pn)/(nq). (mq+pn) is an integer because the product of two integers is an integer, and the sum of two integers is an integer. nq is an integer since the product of two integers is an integer. Because a+b equals the quotient of two integers, a+b is rational.