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a peice of cake

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Q: What takes the shape of a triangular prism in everyday life?
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What is the shape of a liquid?

A liquid takes the shape of any solid that it is contained within. For example water within a square container will appear square, but water within a triangular container will appear triangular.

Does the shape of a tea bag affects the time it takes to diffuse?

It does. If it is a triangular shape, it has more room to move than the normal-shaped teabags.

What shape is water?

Water takes the shape of whatever it surrounds but on the surface it takes on a level shape

What is shape of liquid?

No definite shape, it takes the shape of the container

Why does a liquid have a fixed shape?

It doesn't! It takes the shape of whatever container you put it in. At least, it takes the shape of the floor of the container.

How much time do you have to put into professional softball?

you have to dedicate everyday to training and working out. it takes so much time and effort. you can't be lazy and slack off at all. you have to be in excellent shape.

What defines a liquid?

Something that takes the shape of the container it is in. E.g. Water takes the shape of the container which it is in.

What takes the shape of its container and has no defined shape?


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What are some examples of everyday reaction that take in the energy?

The photosynthesis is an endothermic reaction that takes place everyday.

List properties of a liquid?

A liquid has a definite volume but an indefinite shape. It takes the shape of its container.

What phase that has indefinite shape and takes the shape of its container?
