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a house. It has 5 sides like a polygon

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Q: What tells the number of sides a polygon has?
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How do you get the number of sides of a regular polygon with a given exterior angle?

By dividing the given exterior angle into 360 degrees tells you how many sides the polygon has.

What is the polygon that has the most number of sides?

Technically, a polygon can have an unlimited number of sides.

How many sides does the polygon have?

A polygon does not have a set number of sides.

How many types of polygon you have?

A polygon is a shape with multiple sides. There are an infinite number of polygons, as the polygon is classified by the number of sides.

A polygon with the least possible number of sides?

A polygon with the least number of sides is a triangle (3 sides)

how many sides does a regular polygon have if the exterior angle is 15?

by the number of sides, 'n' of that particular polygon. by the exterior angle. Therefore, the number of sides of the polygon is 24 sides.

Do a polygon have 4 sides?

A polygon may have any number of sides. A shape with four sides is a type of polygon called a quadrilateral.

How many sides does the largest shape have?

There is no limit to the number of sides that a polygon can have. Mathematically, a circle is equivalent to a polygon with an infinite number of sides.

Does a polygon have more sides or more angles and why?

yes a polygon does have the most number and sides because they have the most number of shapes with the most number of sides

What is the relationship between the number of sides and number of angles a polygon has?

A polygon has the same number of sides and angles.

How many sides does a regular polygon have?

The number of sides a polygon has depends on the polygon. A triangle has three sides (tri=3). A rectangle (quadrilateral) has four sides (quad=4). A regular polygon can have any greater number of sides, without limit.

What is a polygon with an unknown number of sides called?

A polygon with an unknown number of sides is called an "indeterminate polygon." This term is used when the exact number of sides of the polygon is either unspecified or cannot be determined based on the information provided. In mathematics, it is important to define the characteristics of a polygon clearly, including the number of sides, angles, and vertices, to accurately analyze and classify geometric shapes.