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Actually they all do. They all measure temperature in units called degrees. The difference is the starting point.

The Kelvin scale starts at zero (never goes into negative figures) - which is -273 Celsius or 459.4 Fahrenheit.

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Q: What temperature scales have the same temperature degree units?
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Which two temperature scales have the same size units?

Celsius and Kelvin

What temperature gives you the same reading on both degree Celsius and degree Fahrenheit scales?


One degree Celsius indicates the same temperature changes as?

One degree Celsius indicates the same temperature change as one kelvin.

Where the temperature equal both in celsius and Fahrenheit scales?

-40 degrees is the same degree in Fahrenheit and Celsius.

Can temperature be used in si units?

The SI unit of temperature is the Kelvin. It's the same size as the Celsius degree.

Which temperature scales have units of equal size?

Celsius and Kelvin scales have the same unit, but they start at different temperatures. 0 Celsius is the freezing pt of water, but 0 Kelvin is absolute zero (the coldest temperature possible)

What temperature degree celsius and kelvin are same?

The 'kelvin' and the celsius 'degree' are identical temperature intervals ... they are the same size. The marks on the kelvin thermometer and the marks on the celsius thermometer are the same distance apart. Both scales have 100 divisions between the freezing and boiling temperatures of water, but the scales start at different places. (Kelvin starts at 'absolute zero', celsius starts at the freezing temperature of water.) The graphs of these two scales are parallel lines. The graphs never intersect, meaning that there is no temperature where kelvin and celsius are the same number.

How is Fahrenheit celsius and kelvin the same?

they are all temperature scales they are all temperature scales

When do particles have no kinetic energy?

At zero degrees kelvin, absolute zero. This is also the temperature at which some elements display the Bose-Einstein condensate, theorized by Einstein but not demonstrated until decades after his death.

How to convert U-value in degree centrigarde to U-value in degree kelvin?

You don't need to convert. The scales are the same. It's a measure of change, rather than an absolute temperature, so it's the same thing.

One degree celsius is equal to how many degrees kelvin?

On the Celsius and Kelvin scales, the degrees are the same size, but the Kelvin scale has its zero point at the lowest possible temperature, absolute zero. For Celsius, the zero point is the freezing point of water.So temperatures expressed on the Kelvin scale are 273.15 degrees (kelvins) higher in number than the same temperature expressed in Celsius.And a temperature of 1°C would be the same as a temperature of 274.15 K (you do not use degree marks with Kelvin).

What degree celsius and Fahrenheit are the same?

At -40 on both scales.