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Q: What term is defined as illusion of three dimensional texture created on a two dimensional sufrace such as canvas wood or paper?
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Why is the sufrace of land is usually warmer than the surface of a nearby body of water because the water?

has a higher density

What planet does not have a solid sufrace?

Saturn is one of the gas giants. As such it doesn't have a hard surface like Earth or Mars do.

What are the wholes in the Moon's sufrace caused by?

By "wholes" I assume you mean craters. Most of the moons craters are caused by meteorite impact of varying size.

Can an earthquake start a volcano?

This is how many volcanoes can be created, although sometimes in a subtle way. The earthquakes are caused by the stress breaking along fault boundaries of the earths plates. Along these plates, there are streaks of volcanoes known as the ring of fire where there is passage between the mantle and the surface through the lithosphere. When an earthquake happens, this passage can be created and results in lava spewing from the sufrace in what you could call a volcano.

How do you see all the planets solar system even though they do not make a light?

the reason you can see the planets in our solar system is because, they reflect the suns light off of their atmosphere or sufrace.

What is the scientific name for surface tension?

The scientific name for surface tension is interfacial tension. It refers to the property of a liquid that causes its surface to act like a thin, elastic sheet.

Is a concave or covect the type of mirror that resembles the inner sufrace of a spoon?

A concave surface is hollow and bends inwards.... think of it as conCAVE.... caves are hollow.A convex surface is like a bump and bends outwards... a convEX bump is on the EXterior of an object

Does a pond freeze from the center out or around the edge first?

Well this of a natural ice skating area, the edges are danger zones because they are the thinnest parts. The reason the safest skating is at the center of the ice on a body of water is because it is the thickest, this happens because the center is the first to freeze because of colder deep waters. The coldest water is at the deepest parts of the body of water, and when it cools it freezes and rises to the sufrace where it completes the freezing process at the top and in the center.

Why is it cooler on the mountain slopes than on the planes during summer?

During summer, hot wind form the sufrace of the land move towards the higher toward the hill areas and as a result the cold wind form the hill blow downwards to occupy those empty areas which bring cold wind, thus making it cooler during summer.w

Who invented pencils and how do they write?

who invented the pencil, i don't know a pencil works because the sufrace of the paper, on a microscopic level, is very rough. the structure of the graphite that makes up the "lead" is of layers just 1 atom thick that can easily slide over each other and rub off upon contact. so when the pencil is moved over the paper, the rough surface causes the graphite to rub off onto the paper and become trapped in the dips and hollows of the surface

What is granulation on the sun caused by?

The grainieness is caused by convective cells at the sun's sufrace. Hooter material rises up at the centers of these "grains" (called granules) while less hot material sinks around their edges. Each granule is several hundred miles across.