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Q: What term refers to the arithmetic average of a series of numbers?
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What is the arithmetic average of a series of numbers?

The sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers.

What is meant by arithmetic sum?

That refers to the sum of an arithmetic series.

What is the difference between an arithmetic series and an arithmetic sequence?

An arithmetic sequence is a list of numbers which follow a rule. A series is the sum of a sequence of numbers.

What are arithmetic series?

An arithmetic series is a fairly similar to an arithmetic sequence except for the fact that in a series you are adding the numbers in between, not putting commas. Example: Sequence 1,3,5,7,.........n Series 1+3+5+7+..........+n Hope this helped(:

What are four numbers that make both an arithmetic and geometric series?

1,2,4, and 8.

What is an arithmetic series?

An arithmetic series is the sum of the terms in an arithmetic progression.

How do you get the sum of the first 25 numbers by a means other than adding?

By using the formula for an arithmetic series. This is basically obtained by reasoning: The sum of the first 25 numbers is the same as 25 multiplied by the average of those numbers; the average in this case is simply (1 + 25) / 2.

What is the history of arithmetic series?

who discovered in arithmetic series

What is the average of the first ten odd numbers?

Just add them together, and divide the result by 10. (For the average of a larger set of consecutive odd numbers, it's faster to use the formula for an arithmetic series to add them up. Also, the average of such a set is the same as if you just average the first and the last number.)

What is the sum of the first 27 odd numbers?

You can just go ahead and add them. Or you can use the formula for an arithmetic series.

What is the quickest way to add the first 25 odd numbers?

Use the formula for an arithmetic series. That is, take the average of the first and the last number in the series, and multiply by 25. The first number in the series of course is 1; the last number is 1 + 2(24), since there are 24 intervals.

What do you call a sum which you keep adding 123?

I believe you meant an arithmetic series. It is a series of numbers differing by a certain number from the previous number of the series. In this case, they differ by 123.