

Best Answer

It is a rectangular prism.

Rectangular prisms are the usual, every day kind.

If you are talking about a funky shaped one, then sorry.'re welcome... :)

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Q: What three-dimensional figure is a board eraser?
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What three dimensional figure is a board eraser?

A cuboid ? :L

What kind of three-dimensional figure is the board eraser?

Rectangular Prism

How do you say chalkboard eraser in German?

"board eraser" is "(der) Schwamm" ("sponge") or "(der) Tafelschwamm" ("(black)board sponge") in German. eraser - Radiergummi

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How many words can you make out of black board eraser?

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What is the name for round threedimensional object?

A sphere.

How many vertices does a chalk board eraser have?

its made of 8 vertices

How do you say board eraser in French?

a board eraser is 'un effaceur de tableau' in French. It may be simply called 'une éponge' when it resembles a sponge, or 'un chiffon' when it resembles a rag.

What standard unit of length did you use to measure the white board eraser?


What is a whiteboard eraser made of?

White board erasers are made simply from cloth.

What are pencil eraser uses?

Pencil erasers are used to remove mistakes or change markings made with pencils on paper. They can also be used to create texture or shading in artwork. Additionally, pencil erasers can be used to clean small smudges or marks on surfaces like walls or electronic devices.

What is the word earser in Spanish?

It depends on which type of eraser you are talking about: Goma - The eraser at the end of a pencil or rubber eraser - sometimes called Goma de borrar. Borrador - Blackboard or dry erase board eraser - sometimes also pencil eraser. Limpiador - "Cleaner" is sometimes used as eraser Protector - "Protector" was the name of the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie "Eraser" in Spanish. Borrar - is the Spanish word to erase.