There is no 4-digit number that is divisible by 2356 and 10.
Any whole number between 10 and 99, with a zero tacked on to the end of it, is.
If you multiply 2*9, you get 18. Multiply that by 10 to get a three digit number, and you get 180.
There is no limit to the number of digits.If, for example, a X is a k-digit number which is divisible by 4 then 10*X is divisible by 4 and 10*X will be a (k+1)-digit number.
There are many answers to it. 100,110,120,130,140,150,160,170,180,190,200,210,220,230,240,250,260,270, 280,290
There is no such number. The smallest number divisible by 2356 and 10 is 11780.
That would be 660.
135. Every increase of 30 is also. Such as 165, 195, 225.