Two over twelve, three over eighteen, and four over twenty-four are all equivalent to one over six.
Three fours (12) is not equal to nine twelves (108). However, three over four (3/4) is equal to nine over twelve (9/12) which are known as equivalent fractions to each other.
Examples of fractions that are equal to 15/20 are 3/4, 6/8, 9/12.
-5/9, -10/18, -15/27
The decimal conversion of the equivalent fractions of 3/4 should be equal to 0.75.
Equivalent fractions equal 1/4 such as 2/8
3/12 = ¼
Three in fraction form is three over one.
4 over 16
40/50 and 20/25 and 4/5 are three equivalent fractions.
one fourth
the answer is 36=36
75 /100