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A Compass - Pie Chart

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Q: What tool can be used to draw a circle graph?
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What is the tool used on a computer to draw a circle?

Circle Tool.

A tool used to draw a circle?

A compass is a geometric tool used to draw circles.

What is the name of the tool that is used to draw a circle?


What tool is used for drawing circles?

You use a compass to draw an accurate circle.

Why is a circle graph used?

a "circle graph" is also a polar graph, it's used to graph polar coordinates.

What graph can be used to show relationship?

circle graph

What is a circle graph used for?

The circle graph (or a pie chart) is used for showing percentages and/or decimals or to show a fraction

Which tool is used to draw stars?

star tool

What is the purpose of pie graph?

Pie graph also calld pie diagram is a very essntial tool used in statistics were a circle is drawn and portions are shaded dependng upon the question. .the space which is left after shading the othr parts of d circle may give the depends solely on d questions dat which area of the circle is used

What is the purpose of pie-graph?

Pie graph also calld pie diagram is a very essntial tool used in statistics were a circle is drawn and portions are shaded dependng upon the question. .the space which is left after shading the othr parts of d circle may give the depends solely on d questions dat which area of the circle is used

What type of graph should be used to display percentage data?

a circle graph

What data is best displayed on a circle graph?

A circle graph, or pie chart is best used for showing parts of a whole.