No, the only way the GCF and LCM of two numbers can be the same is if the numbers are the same.
No, the only way the GCF and LCM of two numbers can be the same is if the numbers are the same.
If the two numbers do not have any factors in common (other than 1), then the LCM is the same as the product of the two numbers. Example: LCM of 5 & 6 is 30, which is the same as the product.
Their least common multiple (LCM).
4 and 120
4 and 120
4 and 120
5 and 75 15 and 25
The product of the GCF and the LCM is the same as the product of the original two numbers. Divide the product of the original numbers by the GCF. The result will be the LCM.
12 and 20
Only if they're the same number. The LCM and GCF of 10 and 10 is 10.
Yes, but only if they are the same number.