proof and discovery
A scientist and explorer can DISCOVER but a scientist can DISCOVER and INVENT
they both discover things and they both are curious
Compass helped the explorers
Two things that make it possible for explorers to travel around the world are airplanes and boats. Without these two things it would be impossible to reach the remote areas of the world.
no they are two different explorers who did two different things.
they made tecknoges and other things like buliding
The main two characteristics of living things are: -The ability to grow -A consistency of cells
The first scientist to classify living things into two main groups was Aristotle. He divided organisms into plants and animals based on their ability to move and their way of obtaining nourishment.
You need at least two things to find something in common between them.
Generally speaking, no. A scientist is someone who studies scientific theories or principles. An inventor is someone who invents things. Some particular scientist might invent something, but the definition of the two words is different.