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A bar graph would be best to compare the nutrients in two different types of bread.

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Q: What type of graph should you use to compare nutrients in two different types of bread?
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What nutrients do Toast contain?

What_are_the_main_nutrients_found_in_breadbcarbohydratesproteinif you have butter with it thenfatsoils

What are nutrients in bread?

vitamin b carbohydrates protein

What nutrients are in fried bread?

carbohydrates, fat and protein

What nutrients are in quick bread?

carbs, fats, sugars

What is the recommended daily serving of bread and cereal?

That's upto you, bread contains carbs and it depends on how much energy you burn. If you eat too much bread without burning it off, it turns into extra weight in your gut. The more bread you eat, the more excercise you should do, if you want to stay healthy

What does your body absorb first like meat vegetables bread?

your body doesnt absorb these things in any real order but foods should be eaten together because different nutrients and vitamins are needed to help in the absorption of each other

What are the nutrition that spaghetti have?

its made out of a dough, so bread nutrients

What two nutrients are found in bread?

carbohydrates and vitamin b

What are the different type of nutrition food?

Nutritional foods are foods that are made up of nutrients that bodies need. Different types of nutritional foods are fish, milk, bread, fruit, vegetables, and nuts.

If I compare bread to crust what can I compare beacon with?

Bread equals crust (outer layer of a loaf).Bacon equals bacon rind (outer layer of the skin of a pig).